Teller Phone Menu & Short Cuts
111 - Transfer Funds within Account
112 - Member to Member Transfer
12 - Withdraw Funds by Check
13 - Check Stop Payment
21 - Balance of all Accounts
221 - Checking/Money Market Account Inquiry
222 - Savings Inquiry
223 - Loan Inquiry
224 - CDs and IRA Inquiries
3 - Change Personal Identification Number (PIN)
4 - Enter a Different Account Number
5 - Block a Card
8 - To exit Teller Phone
9 - Repeat
0 - Transfer to Member Service (during business hours)
* - Return to Previous Menu
How do I sign up for Teller Phone account access?
What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
Teller Phone account access is automatically established when a member joins PFCU. Your PIN default will be the same four-digit number you received when you opened your account. To change your default PIN, press 3 for "Change your PIN."
I am receiving a busy signal when I try to access Teller Phone. What is wrong?
This means that Teller Phone won't be able to process your transaction at this time due to high call volume or system maintenance. A busy signal may occur during heavy use of Teller Phone, i.e. Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings. It is suggested that users attempt to logon again as connections may become available. If this message is returned for an extended period of time there may be a technical issue that our staff is attempting to resolve.
For your convenience account access is also available through our Teller Net service by visiting and logging on to Teller Net. Details are available at on the Teller Net FAQ page.
Teller Phone Message - "The account number or PIN you have entered is invalid"
Teller Phone account access is automatically established when a member joins PFCU. If you receive this error message, the account number may be incorrect.
Note - Member numbers are six (6) digits in length. If you don't know your member number, contact a Member Services Representative at 215-934-3500 or 800-832-PFCU from outside Philadelphia.
I know I'm entering my correct PIN Number, but Teller Phone tells me it is not valid. What's wrong?
Unless changed by a PFCU member, the PIN default is the same four-digit number you chose when you opened your account. If you use letters to remember your PIN, keep in mind that the letters of your PIN correspond to a telephone number pad.
Example - If your PIN is BABY, type in 2229. If you are still having trouble, contact a Member Services Representative at 215-934-3500 or 800-832-PFCU from outside Philadelphia.
I am pressing the numbers that the Teller Phone audio menu tells me to, followed by the pound sign (#), but I keep getting routed to the previous menu. What is wrong?
You no longer have to press the pound sign (#) after all menu options; HOWEVER, you will need to enter it during specific transactions and commands when prompted by the system. Listen closely to the Teller Phone operator's instructions.
When I attempt to enter dollar amounts when prompted in Teller Phone, the amounts are not being correctly recognized. What is wrong?
When entering a dollar amount in Teller Phone, you do not need to signify a decimal point. For example, if $35.00 is your desired amount, enter 3-5-0-0. If you enter only 3-5, it will be recognized as $0.35. Teller Phone will prompt you to confirm that the information you provided is correct by pressing #. If it is incorrect, you can cancel the transaction by pressing *.